The Biography of the Lord Buddha ; e-book available
The Biography of the Lord Buddha
The Morning Alms Offering to 1,000,000 Monks to worship the Lord Buddha as the Anniversary of His Enlightenment Day
The Morning Alms Offering to 1,000,000 Monks to worship the Lord Buddha and celebrate the Anniversary of the Lord Buddha’s 2,600th Enlightenment Day.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (6)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (6)
The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Dhamma For People :- The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Wat Phra Dhammakaya arranged Magha Puaja Day 2014
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Arranged the Ceremonies of Offering Sustenance to the Lord Buddha and Magha Puja Day
The ceremony of offering Magha Lantern Fund
The Ceremony of Offering Magha Lantern Fund on Saturday February 16th, 2013
A True Buddhist
When I reviewed my notes from a sermon given by a respected senior monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came monk during my research for this book,
Buddhists filed a complaint of the art of Face-up Buddha
WFBY and Buddhist Networks filed the complaint letter to the German Embassy on July 2nd, 2013. We protest the show of Face-up Buddha in Munich, Germany.
Mahapavarana – Day of Resolutions
A beautiful and pure heart, analogous to a precious gem that others can appreciate through one’s speech and action, is one of the many outstanding characteristics of a sage that develops as a direct result of countless lifetimes accumulating and cultivating virtuous deeds. A sage is a pundit who consistently thinks wholesome thoughts, speaks wise words, and performs good deeds, thus earning adulation and respect of everyone.
The 7th V-Star Day
The 7th V-Star Day to celebrate the 2,600th Anniversary of the Enlightenment of the Lord Buddha on Saturday December 8th, 2012. V-Star children - You are the youth leaders of the World Morality Restoration!!